

Two-part custom plans help you cost-effectively mitigate cybersecurity incidents

infographic explaining incident response plans

Continuous Vigilance

  • SUMMARY: We help you create a Continuous Vigilance system that incorporates your insurance and continuously prepares you to mitigate all types of cybersecurity incidents quickly and cost-effectively.
  • PREPARATION: Focuses on helping you practice and improve your overall plan so you are always ready.
  • DETECTION AND ANALYSIS: Helps you create a system for promptly and efficiently distinguishing serious incidents from false positives.
  • ESCALATION: Helps you escalate only serious incidents to your Incident Mitigation Protocols.

Incident Mitigation

  • SUMMARY: Focuses on mitigating the harm from serious cyber security incidents escalated to your Incident Mitigation Protocols.
  • SET TEAM & INITIAL PLAN: Sets the Team and Initial Plan for investigation, containment, eradication and/or restoration.
  • LOOP OF INVESTIGATE, CONTAIN, ERADICATE & RESTORE: Helps you quickly execute the right mix of investigation, containment, eradication, and/or restoration.
  • POST-INCIDENT MITIGATION: Helps you mitigate harm relating to regulatory, legal, and PR issues.
  • ASSESS & IMPROVE: Helps you improve your overall plan by incorporating lessons learned during all Incident Mitigation.